Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Godfather: "It's just business"

It's been awhile since I've seen The Godfather. And it is awesome.

I know I really don't have to go into it much, because it's The Godfather. We already know about the Corleones and the whole story. The horse head in the bed (of which I do an awesome "ahh, ahh, AHHHH" impression). The offer you can't refuse. It's not personal, it's business. Totally and completely awesome.

The interesting thing when it's all said and done is the effect the movie had on modern culture. The lines, the expressions, the hand gestures. References to the five families. I myself am considered the consigliere for a nice young guy in all comes from The Godfather. An inspiration for The Sopranos, right down to the detail from its finale where the man passes, looks at Tony, and then heads to the bathroom. For a gun to end it? From The Godfather. From the perspective of American life and the idea of America abroad, it has been an integral part of pop culture.

Also, let it be known: if a pissed off suspected Mafia relative says "you can trust me....would I make you a widow?" DO NOT TRUST THEM. It's pretty obvious they don't mean it. They're going to kill your husband. If this same relative is angry with you but then tells you "it's going to be fine, trust them, just get in the car"..say your prayers, because you are going to eat it within the next five to ten minutes.

There's nothing else to say, so I'll stop.

Cool things about the movie: pretty much everything.

Not so cool things: I would have preferred to see Carlo die sooner. It would have made the character of Sonny more redeemable. And Kay, what were you thinking? "You didn't have anything to do with Carlo's death? Oh good. I believe you." Simple, simple Kay. You should have stayed in New Hampshire. He's a Corleone. Let's not gloss that over, okay?

Next week: Casablanca. And I'm in charge of snacks. Get excited.

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